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Object #28 / Nightlife at Hoisen in Gmunden

Arnold Schönberg to Oskar C. Posa
August 18, 1905
Catalogue raisonné 231

Wienbibliothek im Rathaus

Swimming, rowing, and walking while on vacation in the summer brought rest and relaxation, and also introduced new topics that were translated using various media: music, painting, literature. The summer vacation produced new compositions, writings, landscape paintings and drawings.
This humorous illustration of the consequences that followed a long night in the tavern “Hoisen” (“Hois’n”) on Lake Traun shows Alexander Zemlinsky, Arnold Schönberg, and also Artur Bodanzky, who had been friends since their youth.

Cf. The watercolor Day Break in Hoisen near Gmunden (Catalogue raisonné 248)

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